61 Bradley St, Bristol


Bristol Health Medical Group
Bradley St

As of 8/23/21, this practice has relocated to the Bristol Health Medical Care Center, 15 Riverside Ave, Bristol

As of August 23, 2021, the medical practice of Erica Chico, MD; John Frazier, MD; Marissa Lee Kim, MD and Mary Ann Koprek, APRN has moved to the Bristol Health Medical Care Center, 15 Riverside Ave, Bristol. The primary care office is located on the Lower Level of the Medical Care building.

Please contact your doctor's office directly with any questions: 860.584.8021
For appointments, please call: 833.4BHDOCS

To see the full range of services provided by Bristol Health Medical Group, click here.

61 Bradley St: Primary Care is now at 15 Riverside Ave, Bristol

  1. Bristol Health Medical Care Center

    15 Riverside Avenue

    Bristol, CT 06010

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